Advice I Would Give To My Teenage Self

Hindsight is a very frustrating thing. I always wonder what my life would be like if I did things differently, if I had known the things I do now. Would I be happier? Would I be more confident in myself? Would I be in a different job? It took a while to accept that I can't change the past, just learn from it and move forward. However if I could give advice to my angsty teen self, this is what I would tell her.

  1. Yes, school is important, but not as important as those around you are saying. No, you don't have to go to university. It isn't the only option and taking some time to consider your options is perfectly okay. Don't rush. You'll end up wasting thousands of pounds dropping out of university twice because you've been rushed into something you're not even sure you want to do, you just do it because it's what you think you should do. Take your time, work out what you enjoy and what you don't. Work out what environment you learn best in. Once you know what it is you want, you can then start looking at who and what can offer that to you. 
  2. Don't spend so much time on social media, worrying about your image and how your account looks. You can never get back the hours spent on taking endless basic uninteresting photos because you think it will match your Instagram feed. And honestly, nobody cares if your photos all fit a theme anyway. People are too busy worrying about their own Instagram's and how they appear to people like you. I'm not saying don't use social media, but I am saying use it to follow activists and artists and people who inspire you, not internet 'it' girls who don't even look like that in real life. 
  3. Nobody knows everything, and to think that you don't have more learning and growing to do would be stupid. It's okay that you don't have all the answers, and it's okay if you missed some news and need to read up on it before contributing to a discussion. It's okay to admit that you were wrong, and to educate yourself so you don't make the same mistakes again. Everyone is constantly growing, grow with them and try to learn something new every day. If you aren't educated on something, read up before you speak up. 
  4. Everyone follows different paths in life, just because you aren't on the same path as someone else that appears successful or happy, it doesn't mean you're on the wrong one. Focus on what will make you happy and your goals and don't get distracted by what others are doing. Be inspired by others yes, but don't try mimic their journey. 
  5. You wont always agree with everyones beliefs, actions and lifestyles. That doesn't mean one is wrong and one is right. Don't argue opinion based topics as if your opinion is the right one. It's not. Even in conflict try to see things from the other persons perspective and consider the possibility that you could be wrong or that your mind could be changed. Keeping an open mind will save you a lot of petty arguments and stress.
  6. Everything is a spectrum, but one thing that will play on your mind is gender. There is a whole community out there that feel how you feel. Not feminine enough to be a woman and not masculine enough to be a man. It really doesn't matter. Labels don't matter. Working out who you think you are wont solve or change anything. As long as you're comfortable in your own skin and doing what feels natural to you and makes you happy, it doesn't really matter how you identify. Nobody cares and it doesn't change who you are. Just be. 
  7. Relationships are incredibly complex but I wouldn't change a thing about mine because my experiences have made me who I am today. Just remember that there are so many people in the world. Billions of them. They all have their own story and they are all unique. Whenever you feel like you're alone, remember how many people there are out there you are yet to meet. It's exciting! When you go through your first big break up you will start to get your individuality back, you start socialising more again and you meet so many wonderful people who go on to be some of your best friends. You'll never want to get caught up in just one person again. From this point forward you'll always make time for your platonic relationships, and that is what will save you. 
  8. Dye your hair that stupid colour, wear that in your face garment, experiment with makeup. Your teenage years are the best time to do it. If you don't like it, don't do or wear it again. But without experimentation you can't explore who you are and who you want to be. Listen to that artist that everyone makes fun of you for, buy that dress your mum said looked ugly but you loved. Wear 3 t-shirts at once and bleach half your hair. Take up new hobbies and quit the ones you don't enjoy. You would regret following the crowd your whole life and you know it. Find what you love and what makes you feel like you. And take as long as you need to do it. 
